Friends, please prayerfully consider helping me to share Jesus’ message of “Healing for the BODY, SOUL, and SPIRIT!”

Ministry is driven by finances, and I am so grateful for your support and partnership! Thank you for allowing me to be the hands and feet of Jesus as we share the love of the Lord near and far.

It’s through your faithful support in both prayer and finances that we are able to make a difference.

For souls,
Pastor Sharon Motley


Your giving goes a LONG way when you donate to Bill & Sharon Motley Ministries.

From partnering with local organizations and churches to feed those in need in our own backyard to reaching around the world with our missions partnerships, no penny is wasted.

We are building wells in Zambia, ministering to an orphanage in Togo, Africa, sending Bibles to Pakistan and so much more!

Would you partner with us to help send the gospel around the globe?

“Thank You to all my Faithful partners. We are together impacting the world for the Glory of God.”

- Apostle Sharon Motley

Your gift will be used in furtherance of the tax-exempt charitable purposes of Sharon Motley Ministries. All gifts are received and considered without restriction unless explicitly stated otherwise by the donor. If funds received exceed the specific need or goal of a project, or if the project cannot be completed, or at the discretion of SMM, any funds donated may be used for similar purposes or other outreaches of SMM such as helping preach the gospel, produce inspirational resources or continue support for other outreach projects of SMM.