Apostles Bill and Sharon Motley are a dynamic duo of radical faith and deep wells. They walk confidently in their calling, passing the baton of fire and revival to each church body they encounter. Boldly preaching the uncompromising Word of God, their ministry is followed by miracles, signs and wonders as they seek to see Heaven Here Now.
After pastoring for 33 years in Danville, Virginia, God spoke to them and led them to move to Sarasota, Floria. Their ministry is now based is Florida. In the apostolic ministry that God has called them too, they have begun raising up churches and empowering pastors to lead those churches. With their deposit of leadership strategies, God is raising them up in this generation, to lead believers to the Lord Jesus Christ and to build the kingdom.
Apostle Bill’s unapologetic style increases the faith of those under his leadership. He has a strong financial deliverance in his life along with his ability to teach forth-coming leadership principles. Apostle Sharon moves strongly in the deliverance anointing and in the Gifts of the Spirit in the prophetic. She has also traveled multiple countries seeing miracles and deliverances by the hand of God.
For more information or to request booking, please contact using the form
below or email them at billandsharonmotleyministries@gmail.com